One day Babe Ruth approached Jacob Ruppert the owner of the New York Yankees and shared his strong desire to manage the ball club. Ruppert's response to Babe Ruth was, “How can you manage a ball club when you can't even manage yourself.” The word manage means to exert control over. When you think about it, what can you really manage each day? Yourself.
Our daily life is fast paced with endless distractions, ups and downs and unlimited ways you can waste time if you aren't focused. Without self-discipline or self-management it's easy to spin out of control.
Self-management is all about planning. It requires discipline to plan each day and carry out the plan. You will make more informed choices when you know what you're doing and where you are going. Armed with a calendar, a to do list, daily and weekly goals and measuring your progress, you will have an opportunity to manage yourself and achieve greater levels of success.
Effective time management will also help you avoid procrastination, distractions, getting lost in crisis situations, and wasting time with low priority tasks. Planning will maximize efficiency and leave you with more time to do those things that ensure your success.
What is one area in your life you could manage better? Would love to hear your feedback below.