I saw a great movie recently called Temple Grandin. It is a must see. Temple Grandin was born August 29, 1947. She was diagnosed with Autism in 1950. She didn't talk until the age of four. Her mother refused to accept or believe what the doctors said about her limitations and she should be institutionalized.
Temple was constantly made fun of and mocked by others because she did not fit into what society called “normal”. Temple went on to become doctor of animal science and professor at Colorado State University, bestselling author, and consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior. She is also known for her work in autism advocacy and is the inventor of the hug machine designed to calm hypersensitive persons. She is also listed in the 2010 Time 100 list of the 100 most influential people in the world in the category.
Temple's mother refused to accept her daughters limitations and labels she was given by society. She continued to push her daughter out of her comfort zone and paint the pictures of opportunity that were available to her. Even though temple was terrified of change she continued to walk through what she describes as “Doors of Opportunity”. Each time Temple walked through a new door a new opportunity would present itself.
What door are you afraid to walk through because you are not sure of what is on the other side? So often in life we are paralyzed by the fear of the unknown. This fear holds us back from achieving our full potential. You see, Temple never wanted to go to high school or college because of the constant teasing and ridicule. She was comfortable staying home with her mother where it was safe. Yet her mother continued to lead Temple out of her comfort zone.
I believe that opportunities come to those who are prepared to receive those opportunities. Are you prepared to perform brain surgery? Probably not! Why? Because you haven't gone to medical school and studied the art of brain surgery for the past 15-20 years. How often do you show up to a potential clients office or you are in the middle of a phone call not prepared?
There are more than enough opportunities in the world today. What if your mother doesn't show up to push you. What is holding you back?