Picture this. The year is 1848, it's the California gold rush. I want to introduce you to my friend “Hector the Prospector”. Hector is in his mid—fifties. His clothes and hat are ragged and worn. He looks beat up and tired. He gets up early each day and heads out to the stream with his “Tin Pan” to prospect for gold. His typical day is 10-14 hours long. Hector stays focused on his purpose and his target. He does not get distracted.
Many of Hector’s peers have gone back home because they became discouraged, disillusioned and frustrated. Not Hector. Little does anybody know, Hector has accumulated a fortune in gold. Why? Because Hector refuses to give up. Hector never stops prospecting.
The foundation for all of Hector’s success is he never stops prospecting and never takes his eye off his daily purpose. The golden nugget.
What is your daily purpose?