Let’s start at the beginning. There are days that have been extremely difficult. It hasn't always been easy. In the early 90’s I was really struggling building a business. It was so hard. Without trying to force my belief system onto you, I simply want to share something I read that simplified my sales process. I’ll paraphrase it.
In the beginning God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. Well, this goes on for six days. Whatever God said, it happened. Then all of a sudden in Genesis chapter 2:8 it reads, “The Lord planted a garden eastward in Eden.” It didn't say, “God said, let there be a garden.” No it didn't say that. I was shocked when I read that for the first time. Why didn't God speak the garden into existence? He could have, but He didn’t.
I was so inspired. There it was, a simple but powerful sales process. All I had to do each day was plant a seed (my solution) in the mind of a prospect or customer and He would make it grow.
That mere act of planting a few seeds produced one of the most beautiful gardens that the world had ever seen. So why couldn’t I, or someone like you, plant a few seeds with a few phone calls and make something truly beautiful as well?
Do you know how hard it would be to make a tree? Not within my power. But, I do have the power to plant a seed, water it, nourish it, and watch it grow.
Pretty powerful concept, right? Are you planting enough seeds?