My special guest this week is Therese Samudio. Therese has had 10,000 face-to-face sales journalist-style interviews with business owners across the U.S. while selling and teaching others to sell management consulting projects. She is the daughter of a farmer turned super-star insurance salesman father and a community journalist mother. She grew up running insurance sales appointments with her dad and newspaper writing assignments with her mother. What an education! After obtaining a degree in journalism and speech from the University of Minnesota, she worked as an educational and public TV producer and on air performer, including a stint as agriculture producer for South Dakota Public TV.
The author of Don’t Kill the Sale Before You Show Up! (available on Amazon), Therese was inspired to write the book when she noticed repeatedly that the field reps she trained did not do mental preparation before sales interviews or picking up the phone. Almost all just walked in as they were and started talking.
How often do you kill the sale before the sale?
How you show up will determine whether you will get a chance to even have a sales conversation, let alone make the sale. With this information you will understand that first they buy YOU.
Today you will learn:
- 5 elements you must master so you get your head in the game, close more sales, continually improve and earn more money
- 3 actions that will lock in your positive attitude
- Understand how to begin the sale before the sale
- Know how to be present – get your whole self in the game
- Develop confidence in your ability to perform on demand
- Taking the time to befriend the Gatekeeper
- Developing and using your WOW statement to immediately engage your prospect
Want to connect with Therese?
tsam (at) affirmativeselling (dot) com
LinkedIn: Therese Samudio
Facebook: therese samudio-affirmativeselling
This week’s Prospecting Gold Nugget: “Remember that the person you are calling on is not prey, they are a person. When you are talking with them you are entering sacred space. It’s important that you are present and in the moment.” ~ Therese Samudio
This week’s Sales Quote: “Worry is like a rocking chair; It keeps you busy, but doesn’t get you anywhere.” ~ Unknown
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