In this week's podcast Steve had the privilege of interviewing Pat Helmers, host of the “Sales Babble” podcast. Pat is the author of the Selling With Confidence sales system. He believes that great sales are based on having the mindset, “I’m here to help and add value”. He believes that anyone can become a skilled seller with their current personality. By drawing upon their passion for their business, they too can become a master seller.
Do you have the mindset, “I’m here to help and add value”?
In this episode you will learn:
- Some of the biggest mistakes made in sales
- What makes for a great sales person
- Plus I answer a couple of questions from the Prospecting Expert Community.
This week’s Sales Nugget: Bring on the HEAT! Helpful. Empathy. Astuteness. Tenacity.
This week’s Sales Quote: “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” ~ Scott Hamilton
Make sure you connect with Pat Helmers at the following locations:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter @pathelmers
- LinkedIn:
- Email: pathelmers (at) salesbabble (dot) com
To download your free gift from Pat “Get the 5 Selling Secrets For Non-Sellers”
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