Show Notes:
Here is a great exercise for you! Make a list of all the activities you need to accomplish tomorrow. Now circle the three most important. After that, block out in your schedule when you are going to work on them. Now those three activities are well educated. Next step. Rinse and repeat.
Well educated activity equals success.
P.S. I really need your help with this. It will take less than 5 minutes of your time. If you haven’t done so already, I would really appreciate if you would head over to iTunes and rate and review The Prospecting Minute Podcast. This would help my ratings. That would result in more people like you improving their sales skills and opportunities. I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to do this.
If you have any questions about how to be better in sales and prospecting, if you have any ideas for a podcast or if you simply have a question you want answered please email me at or call The Prospecting Minute Podcast hotline. Again the number is 1-888-356-8110 x 3 Ask me anything about sales, prospecting, business or life in general.