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This weeks question comes to you from Toby. Toby asks, “I have been using [your] Activity Tracker, what should the dials/contact etc….average ratios be?”
Hi Toby. I have been tracking my numbers for over 25 years and also having worked with many salespeople I have come up with some averages. So let me share a couple statistics for you.
25 years ago, you could dial the phone 75 times and reach approximately 20-25 people and that is actually having a conversation with someone. Today, with technology, gatekeepers etc, that number has dropped to approximately 12-15 actual contacts, where you will actually have a live person on the other end of the phone.
Now, depending on your skill and ability to communicate effectively you will end up with 2-3 qualified prospects and that number really depends on who your target audience is and how good your list is. If you are strictly calling referrals that you received from clients or centers of influence, you could end up with 8-10 qualified prospects.
If the purpose of your call is to set an appointment and you are not calling on referred leads, you should end up setting 2-3 appointments.
If the purpose of your call is to set an appointment and you are calling on referred leads, that number will be much higher because it is so much easier working with referrals.
You can also expect the 50-60% or more you call will end up in voicemail.
Now, having said all of that, it is really important that you keep track of your numbers and develop your own ratio of results so you know exactly how many dials it talks to reach a prospect, how many dials end up in voicemail, and how many dials it takes to set an appointment or make a sale.
Let me give you and example: The other day I made 11 prospecting calls. 9 ended up in voicemail and I spoke with 2 prospects and have 1 really good lead. Now that was for one day only. The image to the right shows you my ratios and averages.
Keep track of your numbers, develop your ratios you will know exactly what you need to do each day to hit your sales goals! You can download my FREE Activity Tracker here!
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