If you think back to the time when you were a child, chances are you’ll remember dreaming of what you would be when you grew up. The dream was strong enough to make everything else easy. Unfortunately, it is also easy to get distracted over time by things that really don’t matter. How often have you found yourself at the end of the day in a place or situation that you don’t want to be? Perhaps you are unsure of what you are born to do, or perhaps that memory has faded away into the background.
Although you may find yourself in this situation it may be comforting to know that you are not alone. However, don’t let that deter you from your dreams or goals. In order to make that dream a reality or have it come to fruition, you must take the first step. The first step for some reason is the hardest but as a child learning to walk, you will soon be running.
It has been said that if you seek, you shall find, and knock and the door will be opened. Ask and you shall receive. So, if you’re still seeking what you were born to do, then ask the question.
What are you passionate about? It’s a wonderful place to start.