So, for the past few weeks we have been talking about opportunities . Are you taking advantage of each one that presents itself to you?
Begin by looking around you, searching out the opportunities that are presented in the everyday adversity that you see. Remember, every problem has a solution; it is just a matter of time and effort until it is found.
Make a list of the hardships you see every day. What could be done about them? Maybe your neighbor is having trouble getting his pull lawn mower to start. What could you make so that starting that lawnmower becomes easier? Or perhaps you have a bathroom shower curtain that can never stay clean. Maybe you need to come up with a new way to do the job.
No matter which opportunity you find, no matter which hardship you try to alleviate, remember that you, and your happiness is certainly part of the equation. While the ability to offer a service to others, and to help is laudable indeed, it is important to realize that you are just as important. Don’t be afraid to change for your product or service. After all, fair is fair, and you should be compensated for all the time and effort that you have put into this.
Remember, the adversity you face can be revealed as an opportunity for your success if you simply know how to look.
So the question becomes, what is your “Miracle” story?
What lofty goal will you tackle and achieve next?
More importantly, though, what are you willing to do, to sacrifice to reach the goal, and become who you truly are?