The Game of Sales!
Worth Playing
How to build unstoppable momentum
and accelerate your results!
In these times of challenge and change it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of what really matters when it comes to marketing yourself more effectively, attracting the right prospects, closing the sale, and then keeping your clients close to you.
Professional Sales Association Event in Minneapolis, MN
Friday, January 2, 2015 Mark LeBlanc presents – The Game of Sales! Worth Playing
How to build unstoppable momentum and accelerate your results!
Click Here to learn more and register:
We are so excited to have Mark LeBlanc join us for this special 3-hour program!
You will receive breakfast, Mark's new book Never Be the Same and 3 hours of amazing content!
Mark LeBlanc, the consummate professional when it comes to business development is back with us by popular demand. In your quest to make 2015 the best year of your career, maybe it is time to rethink your approach, your philosophy and your best practices for marketing yourself more effectively and closing sales more consistently.
LeBlanc will walk you through a step-by-step process for navigating the four phases of marketing and selling. He will share specific tools for getting the ear of your prospect, setting yourself apart from your competition and positioning yourself for higher fees.
Let go of what did or did not happen in 2014 and join us for a special program to set you up to succeed in a whole new way. You will never be the same when it comes to managing your day-to-day focus, maintaining your momentum and creating success by design, not by accident.
Mark LeBlanc is the author of Never Be the Same and Growing Your Business! He has conducted over 1,000 presentations, delivered over 140 weekend business development retreats and personally coached over 1,000 business owners. He walks the talk and talks his walk. On a personal note, he recently returned from his second, 500 mile walk across Northern Spain and will share new insights on what it takes to achieve, live a meaningful life and perform at your best on a daily basis.
Click Here to learn more and register:
Build your list. Close more sales. Protect your potential.