Each day as we travel through life we are exposed to many ideas, concepts, principles, photographs, images, music and art. Some relevant, some not. How do you know what's relevant and what's not? If we are clear about our path or journey it helps us to discern what's important. How often have we attended a conference, speech, conversation and we immediately discounted what was being said? Happens all the time. Years ago I was teaching at a sales conference for a major company in the United States. Before the session started a couple of the top sales people cornered me and said, “We are the top sales people in the company with over twenty-five years of experience, our company said we had to be here, what could you possible teach us about telephone prospecting, oh and by the way, this better be good?” I must say, I was a little rattled. Well, at the end of the day one of them came up to me and said, “I am blown away by what you have taught me about the art of a prospecting phone call.” I can't even begin to count the number of times that has happened to me over the past 19 years. Remember this, “The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open.” Author Unknown. What do you have a closed mind about?