Today it seems more and more people are entering into the business world. Each one of them desires to be successful, but a scant few realize how much discipline it takes to truly be at the top of their game. If you’re interested in more than just getting by, here are some key areas of discipline that you should develop.
Strong Work Ethic
Being a success in the business world has always been about working harder and smarter than your competitors. Think of it as tryouts for the varsity football team. If you’re late, or if you don’t put in the effort, chances are you’ll be cut from the team. Remember, there are thousands of players in the business world, each one either sitting on the sidelines or chomping at the bit for the next sale, or the next great client. If you don’t put in the time or effort to win and keep your business, others will gladly take your place.
Spread the News
Think of any truly successful business in your neighborhood or market. Chances are you recognize their name, and their story. Why is that? At some point, probably more than once, that business person has told anyone willing to listen to the story of how they came to be. They made the commitment to tell their story every day, and introduce their product or service to those who could be interested – that is everyone on a regular basis. So go out and tell your story. Find those who are interested in hearing it, and introduce your company not as the big impersonal giant, but rather as the friendly face in the coffee shop or the warm handshake across the table at the informal lunch meeting. The successful business person realizes that often it is this personal connection that can lead to greater things.
Organization is Vital
While playing the game, and telling the story is essential, the discipline of organization is vital to any business. The majority of businesses fail not because the business person lacks passion or skill, but rather because they are disorganized. Taking the time each day to check your schedule, make sure all the paperwork is in order, and follow up on any loose ends from the day before can make all the difference.
Always Have a Plan
Another sign of a successful business person is the fact that they usually will have some sort of working plan. Very few successful people fly by the seat of their pants. Instead, they look at the various possibilities, adjust their approaches, and develop a general plan. While the details might change slightly based on a new situation, the general approach will remain the same. So take the time to do the research you need, and formulate a plan that can be easily adapted to the various business situations that you might face.
Perhaps one of the most important disciplines that a successful business person should develop is persistence. Truthfully, a majority of your attempts at sales will end in failure. Look at Babe Ruth. Therefore, many business people use their persistence with customers and potential customers to make sure that the odds don’t always fall against them. They will touch base with those who have shown interest. They will check in with past customers to make sure things are running smoothly, and to suggest new possibilities. When they are asked to give someone a call back, they will make the effort. By being persistent, they remain in the minds of their potential clients. This way, making the sale becomes so much easier.
Enthusiasm and Product Knowledge
A sale is often won or lost based on the attitude of the business person involved and how the solution is presented. If you know your service or product inside and out, and you truly believe in what you have to offer, chances are you’ll be on track to landing the next client. Enthusiasm for something, when it is based on experience instead of hype can go a long way to convincing your potential client that buying from you is the right choice for them.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
Sooner or later you’ll come to the part in every sales conversation when you have to ask the “Big” question. Do they want to hire you or buy your product? For some of us it can be quite unsettling experience, but it must be done to make the sale. Remember that all you’ve done, all you presented is because you want to solve their problems and have this person as your next client. The ball is in your side of the court, but with a few simple words you can lob it into theirs. The worst that can happen is that they will say no, and you can move on to the next possibility. If however, you are greeted with a yes, be sure to take the time to thank them. Also, never be afraid to ask for a referral, especially if you know that your work will meet with their satisfaction. Be certain to remember that it is customer satisfaction that keeps them coming back to you, and there are many choices available. The bottom line is that until you take that chance you don’t know how successful you could be.
“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” ~ Walt Disney
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