Yesterday I returned from #Boss2009 Event in San Antonio hosted by @Barefoot_Exec (Carrie Wilkerson). The first two days I spent with my MasterMind Redefined Group getting fired up and filled with ideas on how to take my offline business online. The second two days was packed with speakers, actionable ideas and a level of inspiration that I have never quite experienced before. It was truly amazing.
I want to thank @Nicheology (Paul Evans), @David_Frey, @AskMrVideo (Perry Lawrence), @CraigBallantyne, @Barefoot_Exec (Carrie Wilkerson), Mr. Barefoot and all the people behind the scenes for putting on a truly remarkable event. Over the past 29 years I have been to hundreds of events. I have never experienced one like this one. I met some incredible people that have a passion for impacting the lives of others. I flew back home with hundreds of ideas not only on how I can transform my business but more importantly my life.
I would like to share with you one key idea that I took away from @Nicheology (Paul Evans). Paul talked about the importance of discipline and how he gets up at four o'clock each morning and attacks what he calls his “short list”. This is a list high priority items that must be accomplish first thing in the morning before he does anything else. After listening to him for 90 minutes, I can assure you that checking his email, paperwork, twitter, facebook, linkedin and all the other stuff that we get distracted with is not on his “short list”. I would be willing to bet that that his “short list” contains items that are about how he can better serve others and as a result of serving others, he is greatly rewarded.
There is a wonderful proverb in the old testament, “He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame.”