Each day that you wake up, you have a total of 86,400 seconds to invest. Many of us spend those precious commodities being pulled in multiple different directions, answering voice mails, responding to emails, putting out fires, making proposals for new work, and spending at least some time at home with family and friends. With the amount of running around that happens on any given day, it’s any wonder why most people don’t know exactly where their time has gone.
Think about this scenario: One morning, a gentleman in a business suit walks up to you at the breakfast table and hands you a cashier’s check for $86,400. With a smile he tells you that whatever you don’t invest wisely will be collected at the end of the day. How much of that money would you invest in the betterment of yourself, your situation or your family?
If you think about it, you are given, each day, something more precious than money ever could be. Each day you are given the opportunity that time presents. Each day you are given the chance to invest every second wisely. Everyone is given the same investment capital; the difference is in how they choose to invest it.
The choice to do something, to act is a powerful one. It can be made even more powerful when that activity is based on sound research and education. As any experienced business owner will tell you, each action is either helped or hindered by what is going on around you. By learning to recognize the various signs of fortune or potential pitfalls, a savvy businessman can quickly turn into a successful one.
Here is a little activity I learned over the years to help you realize how productive and “well educated” your daily activities truly are. Take a simple notebook, like the kind used in school, and keep a running list of all the things that you do during the day. Do this for about a week. At the end of the time, take a look at your list. How many of those activities were truly necessary? How many of them contributed to the overall goal, or even a specific goal for the day? Many of the actions that you take in a day may be wasteful ones!
Please keep in mind I am not saying that you should never relax during your day- very far from it. Relaxation is an essential part of every day. After all, if you don’t take the time to recharge your batteries, pretty soon you will have nothing left! Rather, it is important to make sure that every choice you make, every action you take is one that will enhance yourself, your situation, or those around you.
You have only 86,400 seconds to spend in a day, and you can never get them back. Isn’t it a good idea to invest it wisely?