A few days ago I was approached by a small group of struggling sales people asking for prospecting help. Since helping people is something I love to do, I quickly set up a short 30-minute conference call. Everyone was excited; I got to share what I love, and they were all set to learn something. In truth, I love using my thirty years of experience to help anyone – sales people, friends and family, a random person on the street. I feel blessed that I can help anyone that is willing to listen to me. The knowledge and wisdom that I can share with others not only helps them, but helps me as well.
Well, the short conference was coming to a close, and one of my new contacts asked a very good question: “If you could give us one thing, boil it down to only one idea or strategy, what would it be?” Without a doubt, I knew what my answer would be. It was something so simple, that nearly everyone in the room had probably overlooked it. Do you want to know what I said? You ready? I told them to plant their garden. Yes, the most innovative and important strategy that you can ever have as a sales person is to plant your garden.
Over the years, I have seen hundreds of salespeople fail simply because their garden wasn’t big enough. They didn’t plant enough seeds. I’m not joking; believe me. I remember sitting next to a stockbroker every day during the early 80’s. I couldn’t describe his face, but his voice is locked in my memory banks. He was constantly on the phone, trying to plant his own little plot of land every day.
Once he got a prospect on the phone, he said “You wouldn’t want to buy any stock today, would you?” The prospect either responded one of three ways. They would either answer “yes”, “no” or “depends on what you have.” He ended up being very successful. Why? Well, the simple truth is, that he talked to a lot of people, every day. Although his approach left a great deal to be desired, the fact that he talked to at least thirty-five people a day set the numbers in his favor. Just think what you could accomplish with the right approach, and this kind of dedication?
So how many seeds have you planted today?