I would like to share a quote from Thomas Friedman’s book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree: “A commodity is any good, service or product that can be produced by any number of firms, and the only distinguishing feature between these firms is who can do it the cheapest. Having your service or product being turned into a commodity is no fun because it means your profit margins will become razor thin, you will have dozens of competitors and all you can do every day is make that product or service cheaper and sell more of it than the next guy, or die.”
How competitive is your business? What are you doing to separate yourself from the competition? Seth Godin talks a lot about being being remarkable so you stand out like a purple cow. What would happen if you saw a purple cow? You would stop and take notice wouldn’t you?
I have a question for you. How is your “Elevator Pitch” working for you? The dictionary defines “Pitch” as: to pitch a tent or pitch a baseball. Is that what you are really trying to convey to your prospect or customer?
I am excited to announce I am launching Instant Sales Webinar Series! Each month I will be addressing a key component in the sales process that will help you take your business to the next level.
This month’s webinar: How To Create A Powerful Sales Message The Gets Results!
During this webinar you will learn:
- The secret formula that attracts the attention of any prospect or customer in seconds.
- How to avoid negative speech habits that makes you sound like everyone else.
- The easiest way to utilize your sales message that works with any “Gate Keeper”.
- How to strengthen your sales message that motivates your prospects or customers into action!
REGISTER NOW! Limited to 100 people.
Date & Time: Wednesday, February 26th
9am PST (L.A.) – 11am CST (Chicago) – 12pm EST (New York) – 5pm GMT (London)
I have made Instant Sales Webinar Series affordable for EVERYONE! Each webinar is ONLY $37.00!
The Instant Sales Webinar series is an opportunity to add to your personal development plan. These webinars will be announced each month in The Prospecting Weekly email, so be sure to watch for the registration information!
Topics to include:
- How to Stay Out of Voicemail Hell
- The Art of Working with Objections
- The Art of Getting in the Door
- Better Choices Equals Better Results!
Stay Tuned!