There aren’t many successful farmers who plant out of season. Farmers plant in the spring, nourish and cultivate during the summer months, and then harvest in the fall. Then they spend the winter months preparing for the next planting. It’s a fairly simple idea that has served millions of farmers very well over the years. Can this idea help you in business? Can it help you transform prospects into customers? The answer is a resounding yes.
In my opinion, springtime, the time of planting occurs every day in the world of sales. How many seeds are you going to plant today? It is important that you take the time to do so, every single day. Why? The simple fact is, the more seeds you plant, the more opportunity you have of reaping a bountiful harvest in the fall. It’s a fairly simple strategy. Plant the seed of a sale in your prospects’ minds by telling your story. Plant enough, cultivate enough, and chances are those prospects will grow into bountiful clients.
For the sake of argument, let’s suppose that a particular farmer has 100 acres of land to plant. The farmer knows that aside from any natural disasters, they will have a certain number of crops to harvest in the autumn months. He knows that the birds may eat some or the heat of the summer sun may wilt some as well. Because of this realization, he will plant more than he needs just to make sure that he has enough.
One of the biggest causes of failure in sales is that most people simple don’t plant enough seeds. So by the time the birds, sun and weeds get done, there is nothing left.
Have you planted enough seeds today?