Did you know that results are the measure of how well you apply what you learn? There are three key words in that question. The first key word is results, the second is learn and the third is apply.
Everyone wants results. My clients, your clients, even the farmer wants results. If you want to change the results in your life, two critical things must happen. One, you must learn something and two, you must apply what you learn. I am sure you have heard this phrase many times, “knowledge is power”. If that were a true statement, we could sit on the internet for a year and acquire a vast amount of knowledge and at the end of the year we would be a billionaire. That's not how it works. It is the application of what we learn that determines the result.
One of the greatest determining factors of where you and I will end up five, ten, fifteen years from today is how well we apply what we learn in life.
What knowledge are you going to apply in 2014 to make it your best year ever?