Today, I am starting a new type of blog post. These posts are going to come from my sound clip library that I have collected since 1990. These are actual phone calls made by sales people. I have not hired actors or actresses to simulate the call. They are real calls. I would love to receive your feedback. If you would have made the call, what would you have done differently?
Some of these calls you will shake your head, laugh and can't believe what you are hearing. Why? Because we have all found ourselves in the middle of a situation like this. You may say to yourself, “This would never happen to me.” Having had over 6000 coaching sessions since 1990 with all types of salespeople, I can assure you that it happen to everyone. Myself included. Click on this link and listen to today's featured call. What is this call concerning? Would love to get your feedback. What would have done differently?
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