You don’t want people to think you are the same as everyone else do you? The answer to that question is always ‘No’ and that’s what it should be. You want people to think you are the best and they should always go with you every time.
You need to find a way to stand out above the rest and make people notice. No matter where they come in contact with you; whether it is over the phone, in person, or on your website, you must be someone they notice and remember.
When you make a sales call, you need to make sure you do it properly from start to finish. When this happens, you’ll likely get the sale every time.
When you start the conversation, make sure you start off on the right foot. It’s always a nice gesture to ask if it’s a good time to chat. With time differences and preferences in people’s lives, you never know what you may be interrupting. They could be in the middle of dinner or putting the children to sleep.
When you ask if it’s a good time, they will feel more at ease about chatting with you. If they say no it’s not, then you need to call back or set a time to call back. If you do this, they’ll likely listen to what you have to say rather than avoid the call.
The next thing you need to do is make sure you continue the call in a way that will make you look like you are the best. Explain why you are calling them and do it in a way that sounds good. Don’t say the word just because it makes you sound like everyone else. It doesn’t make you stand out.
When you do your sales calls in a way that makes you sound professional as well as competent, you’ll stand out above the rest. You’ll reach higher levels of success and you’ll know how to grow your business. Your potential customers will see that you are the best and this will entice them to do business with you again in the future.