How important is a magnetic personality in the sales profession? Pretty important. What does it do for each sales professional? It's real simple – a magnetic personality attracts people to you. Do you have a personality that attracts people?
The laws of attraction in our profession are learned skills for most sales people. The following skills and abilities help create and develop a magnetic personality.
* Confidence
* Honesty
* Empathy
* Integrity
* Asking questions
* Active listening
* Problem solving
* Helping others make decisions that are good for them.
What people are looking for are sales professionals that can understand and solve their problems. The personality traits I just listed make it easy for your prospects and clients to trust you. Everything gets easier when you build a measure of trust in a relationship. You become the go-to guy or a trusted advisor.
There may be times when you do not make the sale but your prospect's or client's problem was solved by someone in your network. Regardless, you are still at the center of how their problems got solved and their needs got met. Attraction is the engine that makes it all work.
What skills and abilities are on your list? Would love to hear your comments below.