Do you ever wonder why it seems that some salespeople always seem to be doing well when it comes time to tally up the results? Part of it is doing the legwork, of course, but there is another side to the successful sale, one that many overlook.
Think back to the last time you listened to a great story. There was a fantastic cast of characters, breathtaking scenery, and of course a plot line that hooked you and pulled you into the fictional world. For a brief moment in time, you were there, right in the middle of it, living the story.
If you think about it, a great sales person is more of a storyteller or an artist than anything else. Each time they sit down and talk with a potential customer or client, they weave together a story in which their product or service has already become an integral part of their lives. The customers, through the picture painted by the salesman’s words, soon realize how beneficial this particular product could be, and start to wonder why and how they existed without it for so long.
When was the last time you told a good story to connect the dots for your prospect?
Does this sound like some sort of trick? Does it seem like some sort of mind game played on unsuspecting victims? No. By painting a picture with words, by telling a story rich in detail and substance, the salesman accomplishes a number of things. First, he helps to develop the conversation between him and the potential client. By offering the details, and making sure that everyone is seeing the same picture, it is easier to see where miscommunication may occur. Also, the potential customer is more likely to think of more detailed questions to ask to help fill out the remaining part of the picture.
Remember that people make the connection with an item or a service not through rational thought, but rather through emotion. Sure, a potential client needs to know the good points, the bad points, and the mechanics of how something is going to work, but the final decision is greatly influenced by how they feel about something. Does it instill a sense of confidence? Does it feel familiar? Does it bring about a sense of excitement? All these feelings and emotions can help to make each sale a success.
When was the last time you told a good story?