Have you ever taken a backstage tour of Walt Disney World? I did a few years ago and it was fascinating to see how Disney operates behind the scenes. The systems and processes they have in place to operate at the level they do is something to see. From the underground tunnels that transport you from one place to another to the laundry facility, the whole experience is simply breathtaking. If you ever have an opportunity to take a backstage tour, I would highly recommend it.
How many times have you heard, “The customer is always right?”
I can't even begin to count how many times I have heard that phrase. Disney takes a different approach. Our tour guide said this, “The customer is not always right, however they are still our customer.” What a different way of looking at and approaching a customer. It is true, our customer is not always right, but they are still our customer.
With that said, how will you treat your customer different next time?